Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wrox Blox and Silverlight Animation

Wrox has launched a new series of technology shorts named 'Wrox Blox' (formerly eBriefs). More in depth than your typical article yet more concise than your average book, these technology shorts are great for getting up to speed quickly on new technologies and subjects of interest.


From the Wrox website:

"Written by the best programmers in the their fields, Wrox Blox are short informational pieces and code that will help get you up-to-speed and keep you up-to-date."


As part of the launch, I have contributed a technology short titled Silverlight 1.0 Animation. It teaches you how to create animations using Microsoft's new platform for building rich Internet applications — Silverlight. It also introduces animation concepts and answers questions such as when and why you want to use animation in your Web development. I hope this short, and the associated code, will give you a good foundation for creating animations. More importantly, I hope you enjoy it!


Three other shorts have also been released as part of the Wrox Blox launch:

  • Leverage LINQ in ASP.NET 3.5 Projects, by Roger Jennings
  • iPhone and iPod Touch Programming, by Richard Wagner
  • Building a Photo Gallery with Adobe AIR, by Todd. A. Anderson

....and of course, many more interesting shorts to come!

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