Monday, April 30, 2007

Silverlight Makes a Big Splash Today...

If you are paying attention to the Silverlight blog-o-sphere today, you know that there were a lot of big announcements at Mix 07!

Tim Sneath posted a bunch of screencasts on Silverlight highlighting some cool features and how-to's. (my favorites are the Video Overlay and Video Scrubbing tutorials).

Mike Harsh announced on his blog that CLR support is now ready for a test drive in Silverlight. I've been excitedly waiting for this for quite some time. A few other exciting links can be found here as well.

Laurence Moroney also announced a new Silverlight community is online and it looks like there's some great content there.

Keep an eye on the blogs... more great info is sure to be popping up quickly as Silverlight momentum seems to be picking up!